Studio Visit Magazine

My work was accepted to Studio Visit Magazine and will be in the Summer 2016 issue. The publication is sent out to about 2000 galleries and collectors so I am glad that my work will go beyond my studio walls!  I selected two paintings from my "Quiet" series (color field, non representational).  

Asa Neda 2   2015
44 in X 44 in

Kabocha  2007
60 in X 28 in
I choose "Kabocha" because it is one of my husband's favorite paintings and also, I thought it would look nice next to the green "Asa Neda 2".
I had to come up with a 50 word artist statement and I have been struggling with this for the past two weeks.  I wrote several versions and finally gave up and asked hubby to have a look. I felt too close and was losing perspective.  He did his wordsmithing and I finally had something concise and clear.

I wish I could've included the following which are two of my favorites.

Asa Neda 1  2015
4 ft X 2 ft

Lisa  2010
5 ft X 4 ft


Unknown said…
Gorgeous work Katherine!
You are too kind Lisa! Thanks for all the past support!

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