Inspiration: JMW Turner

I've been thinking about the work of JMW Turner, especially after seeing his show at the DeYoung Museum last year.  I purchased a postcard and everyday, I looked at it wondering how to think and play with his work. 
Snow Storm Steamboat off a Harbour's Mouth
JMW Turner  1842

 First, I looked at the colors used in the painting and did an Edges painting.

12" X 12 "
And, then I did a bigger, busier Edges painting.

20 " X 20 "

Next, I used my layering technique (used for my Quiet series)  to copy his composition and colors.  It created a fuzzy and soft painting.

24" X 30"

I tried a different technique using the palette knife (used for my Trees Posing work).  Much more texture.

24" X 30"

Finally, I moved the paint around as seen in my "Hawaii" series.

18" X 18"
What did I get out of this exercise?  It was a good time to play so I did.  Looking at these pieces together makes me think I need to add some more browns.


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