NYC: The new Whitney Museum

The new Whitney Museum of American Art was so new that our taxi driver wasn't quite sure where it was. 
It was interesting on the outside but how well were the gallery spaces designed? 

The New Whitney

As it turned out, the gallery space was wonderful.  First stop,  to see the work of Archibald Motley: Jazz Age Modernist.  I love shows that chronicle a period in time.  He captured the exuberance of the Harlem Renaissance. 

Portrait of Mrs. A.J. Motley, Jr. 1930
Archibald Motley

Gettin' Religion 1948
Archibald Motley
I love his use of blue and red in this evening scene.

The Picnic 1936
Archibald Motley
The picnic reminded me of the Renoir's painting, "Luncheon of the Boating Party" - was he inspired by it?

Luncheon at the Boating Party

Town of Hope 1927
Archibald Motley

An ominous painting, we see black people leaving what appears to be a pleasant town but there are dark clouds and ravens circling overhead.  The gestures of the figures show a sense of frustration and defeat.

Blues 1929
Archibald Motley

Tongues (Holy Rollers)  1929
Archibald Motley

Cafe, Paris  1929
Archibald Motley

Self Portrait (Myself at Work) 1933
Archibald Motley
The top floors of the building had outdoor access where the views were wonderful.  After a quick look at their permanent collection, we had lunch on their ground floor cafe called "Untitled" and it was good.


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