Paintings at Excelsior Library Installed

The library paintings are up!
The benches with planters have also been installed, all part of the beautification process of the Excelsior District.  The official unveiling of the paintings will be this Saturday, September 7, 2013.  Here are the details:

SF Public Library Excelsior Branch
4400 Mission Street (cross street Cotter)
12:30 - 1:15  Reception for special guests (I don't know what that means but I'll be there then)
1:30 - 3:00    Unveiling ceremony and general celebration including refreshments and music

The paintings will be up for 5 years so there will be plenty of time to see them.  Hope you have a chance to drop by.

 The other commissioned artists are Nico Berry, Zoe Ani, Matt Christenson, and Michael Hall.


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