I am going to sound like quite the dullard but i found out only yesterday (since starting this blog in May 2007), that i can view how many times my blog is visited! I have the NeoCounter on the sidebar but within, there is a tab called "stats" which until yesterday, i never clicked on. Wow, there was so much i didn't know like how many visits my blog gets (broken down by day, week, month, year) and when (broken down by hours) and which particular postings people visited. It was a revelation! I also never clicked on the "monetize" button because my blogging had nothing to do with making any money but was solely for creating this diary of my journey as an artist. I thought others might find some comfort that there is another struggling individual who is passionate about making art but isn't making a living at it. Recording the shows i apply to, get rejected to, and sometimes get accepted to might encourage others to persevere. I am trying to keep it as real as possible - and to give just the facts with the occasional personal view/venting. I also wanted to record images that inspired me that are difficult to put in one's notebook. When i scroll back to earlier posts, i like remembering "so, that's what i was thinking about...".