SFAC - Calling all Aspiring Public Artists

San Francisco Arts Commission hosts a Workshop for Aspiring Public Artists: FREE!

Staff from the San Francisco Arts Commission’s Public Art Program will explain how the program works and how to apply to future projects.

Thursday, December 16, 2010, 5:30 – 7 p.m.

The San Francisco Arts Commission will host an evening workshop for artists who are interested in being considered for future public art projects. Artists working in all media and disciplines are welcome! This is a great opportunity to get all of your public art questions answered. The workshop will cover such topics as the City’s Art Enrichment Ordinance and how to apply to the 2011/12 Prequalified Artists Pool through SlideRoom, the online application service used for this call. The 2011/12 Prequalified Artists Pool will serve as the Arts Commission’s primary pool of artists who will be considered for new commissions over the next two-year period.

Location: 25 Van Ness Avenue, Ste 70 (located on the basement level), San Francisco, CA 94102

Free and open to the public

For more information, call 415/252-3215 or visit the website.


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