Day one with Naomi

Working with my SPARK apprentice, Naomi Perry
For our first day together, I had Naomi try different media. Here, she is playing with housepaint. I like starting with housepaint because - it seems easy and relaxing to use - a great warm up.

Next, Naomi tried her hand with pastels. I have a great assortment of pastels because someone left them for the taking in the studio hallway (really, there was a sign that said "free")

some of her finished housepaint paintings

and before ending our session, Naomi prepares surfaces with gesso for next week's work. I've been using my old postcards from the Chicago show (i had 2000 made using good quality card stock and only 500 were taken!) for the SPARK apprentices' work but also for my own work. I generate miniature paintings using leftover paint.


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