midterm critique

I had my midterm critique in Figure Drawing class on Thursday and the instructor pretty much told me what i already knew - that my one minute sketches are good but as more time is given, the worse my drawings get. This was ever so evident during class when we had a 40 minute pose that i kept reworking and it just became a tortured piece. He suggested that i do a quick measurement, decide where the halfway mark is and begin my drawing at that point. I've been starting with the head and it hasn't been working for me. He is such a wonderful instructor, giving each student one on one time and during our midterm critique, he takes our portfolios of 25 drawings, and writes a one page summary with suggestions of what we can do to improve. Then he meets with each student privately to talk about the work. This drawing was from a 20 minute pose - not as tortured as my 40 minutes one (not pictured - too embarrassed!)


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