San Francisco Studio School5-Day Landscape Painting Intensive
Landscape into Art
Monday, June 22 to Friday, June 26: 9AM to approx. 6PM
(One evening lecture may be scheduled.)

Faculty: Lon Clark, Laura Harden, Sandy Walker

The Landscape Intensive Workshop confronts time worn traditions through new approaches to seeing and working. Light, form, space, color, value and imagery will be integrated through forming, a process of uncovering individual affinities with the elements of painting and the natural world. Each day we will work at Bay Area locations offering a variety of motifs. Specific exercises, presentations, several individual critiques per day, shared lunchtime discussions and group critiques as the work progresses throughout the workshop will maintain the pace of hands on investigation of the subject. The history of painting as well as the discipline of photography will be referenced in presentations to encourage the conceptual understanding of landscape as a genre and the variety of tensions created by the related languages of painting and photography. Participants can expect to notably advance their relationship to the concept, subject and form of landscape painting through theory and application. Participants should plan to bring bag lunches and to work into the early evening light.

Tuition: $775/5 days + $25 Registration Fee
A non-refundable deposit of $475 and the $25 registration fee due at time of registration.

Space is limited, early enrollment is suggested. Please email or call 415-398-4300 if you have questions or prefer to register via email.

Materials list will be provided upon registration. Car-pooling will be arranged for transportation to and from locations


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