Vernissage Review

I went to Vernissage, the San Francisco Art Institute's MFA show which shows all the graduating MFA work. There was the obligatory angry, angst art, some performance art, films, monochromatic themed installations, sculpture, photography, paintings, and drawings. My favorite things to see were the photographs, paintings, drawings, and craft based pieces. It was crowded as usual.. there was a nice spread of food and wine and beer for the guests. I recognized a few gallery people and i am reminded that art school/art scene was the first place i saw firsthand cosmetic surgery enhanced faces. I saw a few obvious examples and i am always startled whenever i notice them. It seems strange that in a world of beauty and truth that art (arguably) espouses, plastic surgery seems to be a part of the art world. But i digress, and the MFA students are to be congratulated for surviving the program. Now some of my favorites....

Colleen Collett, mixed media

Sharon Till, oil on canvas 58 in X 68 in

This images needs to be rotated 90o - sorry!
Sande Waters, Reverence Series, 7 ft X 5 ft, Graphite, watercolour, oilstick on synthetic paper. The colors were amazing as well as the finish.

Seza Bali,"Santa Cruz, CA. " lightjet print.
Color prints have really improved.

Anna Zusman, part of a beautifully illustrated fairy tale.


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