A Moment's Peace reception tonight

A Moment's Peace Reception tonight 6-8 pm
featuring the work of Maeve Croghan, Katherine Kodama, Victoria Q. Legg, Jennifer Mack, Daniel Malone, Gurpran Ran, Shawndeya, and Anna Seven.
show description
When you think of "a moment's peace", what comes to mind? A specific location, meditation on an object, time with loved ones, or a newly primed canvas with loaded brush in hand? In seeking a variety of interpretations of "a moment's peace", this exhibit also seeks to show how diverse conceptualizations allcontribute to illuminating the possibilities of how inner peace can be achieved.
curated by Mat McKinley of McKinley Art Solutions.

Place: Polarity Post Productions
69 GreenStreet X Front
San Francisco

easy, free, ample parking
additional viewing hours: 9 a - 5 p, Monday-Friday
show ends July 17


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