Prep for the EcoArt Show

On Friday, i will be going to the Eco Art Show which is part of the PLAYgreen Fesitival where i will be showing 3 pieces. I wrote the organizers asking if there would be a wall available for me to use to hang my shelf with trees and they said "no" which meant that i had to figure out a way to show the piece without a wall. Since i will be provided with a table, i found a piece of 1 X 2 that will be cut to 6 ft and that will be the base on which the trees can stand. The original shelf piece will be the back for the trees to lean against. I tried it in the studio and it works although not as pretty as i would have hoped. I will bring a piece of black fabric for the table but the piece will be sticking out the sides and i am aftraid it will look tacky. We get a 3 ft X 6 ft space and i have my two chairs as well.

And now, i think the painting is done - i am going to give it the usual few days to think about it's "doneness".

My Red painting returned today and it is nice to see it again! At least it had a chance for a little air before being wrapped once again in plastic and stored.


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