4 submissions

I sent in two packets with slides to the SFMOMA Rental Gallery and to the Spirit in the Arts call for artists yesterday. So, that makes 4 submissions this week including one to a journal looking for art, short fiction, poetry with the theme "Margin of Error".
This drawing on cigar box (done in 2005) was inspired by the Superbowl half time entertainment by Janet Jackson where she created an uproar with Justin Timberlake when there was a "wardrobe malfunction". The public were up in arms over this "error" and i was struck at the time, looking at my Venus of Willendorf statue based on the 20,000 year old prehistoric statue, with her exposed, ample breasts, how many overreacted. The slight view of Jackson's breast upset many people. Then again, we (Americans) seem to have a funny relationship with breasts. On the one hand we augment them presumably to show more of them and at the same time, many are troubled by the site of a mom breast feeding her baby.


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