Art Farm Artist in Residence Program

Interested in a rural setting for an artists residency? Check out the Art Farm Artist in Residence program.

Operating as an artist residency program since 1993, Art Farm offers artists an opportunity to live and work in a rural environment. An unusual and growing collection of traditional agricultural buildings and experimental structures provides accoommodation and studio space for artists. An abundance of materials (scrap and organic) and space, allows room for creative interactions between ideas and the environment.
Art Farm’s program for professional artists offers them accommodation and studio space to pursue their artwork. We ask, in exchange, for 12 hours per week from artists, to help renovate and maintain Art Farm’s buildings and grounds.

All who apply need to be self-motivated and resourceful and to appreciate a quiet working environment--if you need a busy social life this may not be for you. Art Farm’s location is semi-isolated and rural and because of this condition, co-operation and an ability to share tasks are required.

Art Farm's residencies are available between 1 June and 1 November for a maximum of four artists at one time. We usually recommend residencies of 8 to 12 weeks - it takes a little time to adjust to the environment, particularly if you are a city dweller—and we recommend closer to 12 weeks if you are planning a large outdoor project.


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