
I wrote about Postcrossing a while ago, a site whereby you sign up to send and receive postcards from members around the world. I just signed up today and have my first assignment...sending a postcard to Finland. The assignments are random but you can choose whether you want to receive one from your native country or not. I have been to Finland for work so i think it is kind of interesting that my first addressee would be from there. I will be sending one of my oil painting postcards.
Some of their stats...
57,407 members
184 countries
157 postcards/hour
548 members online
1,229,362 postcards received
61,016 postcards traveling
6,720,194,912 kms traveled
167,690 laps around the world


Anonymous said…
I'm a long time user of since the's a lot of fun and I highly recommend it! Watch out, though, it can be addicting!
Thanks Amy! I am looking forward to receiving me first postcard.

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