California Lawyers for the Arts presents:
"Intellectual Property Seminar: Copyright, Trademark and Patent"
-A must for all artists and entrepreneurs. Learn about ownership and
protection of your work. This essential seminar will provide an overview of
copyright, trademark and patent, define terms and cover issues including
registration, infringement, fair use and licensing, non-disclosure
agreements and trade secrets.
Monday, May 19, 3:00-5:30pm
Cosponsored by AC5, the Arts and Culture Commission of Contra Costa County,
and ArtSpan.
With M.J. Bogatin of Bogatin, Corman & Gold and Robert G. Pimm of the Law
Offices of Robert G. Pimm.
Location: Board Room of the County Office of Education, 77 Santa Barbara
Road in Pleasant Hill.
Notes: This program will be taped by CCTV for local viewing.
Pre-registration for this event implies your agreement to allow yourself to
be taped and your image broadcasted. Please arrive before 2:45pm as taping
will be begin promptly at 3:00 pm.
Monday, June 9, 3:00-5:30pm
Cosponsored by the Marin Arts Council, Art Works Downtown and ArtSpan.
With Erick Howard of Shartsis, Friese LLP and David Lacy Kusters of Fenwick
& West.
Location: Conference Room, 555 Northgate Drive in San Rafael.
Registration: Seminar fees are $15 for members of California Lawyers for
the Arts, ArtSpan and those who mention AC5, the Marin Arts Council or Art
Works Downtown when registering and $25 for members of the public. To
register, please call (415) 775-7200 ext. 107 or email (please include your name and arts
"Intellectual Property Seminar: Copyright, Trademark and Patent"
-A must for all artists and entrepreneurs. Learn about ownership and
protection of your work. This essential seminar will provide an overview of
copyright, trademark and patent, define terms and cover issues including
registration, infringement, fair use and licensing, non-disclosure
agreements and trade secrets.
Monday, May 19, 3:00-5:30pm
Cosponsored by AC5, the Arts and Culture Commission of Contra Costa County,
and ArtSpan.
With M.J. Bogatin of Bogatin, Corman & Gold and Robert G. Pimm of the Law
Offices of Robert G. Pimm.
Location: Board Room of the County Office of Education, 77 Santa Barbara
Road in Pleasant Hill.
Notes: This program will be taped by CCTV for local viewing.
Pre-registration for this event implies your agreement to allow yourself to
be taped and your image broadcasted. Please arrive before 2:45pm as taping
will be begin promptly at 3:00 pm.
Monday, June 9, 3:00-5:30pm
Cosponsored by the Marin Arts Council, Art Works Downtown and ArtSpan.
With Erick Howard of Shartsis, Friese LLP and David Lacy Kusters of Fenwick
& West.
Location: Conference Room, 555 Northgate Drive in San Rafael.
Registration: Seminar fees are $15 for members of California Lawyers for
the Arts, ArtSpan and those who mention AC5, the Marin Arts Council or Art
Works Downtown when registering and $25 for members of the public. To
register, please call (415) 775-7200 ext. 107 or email (please include your name and arts
It'd be great if they made public PDF handouts or info sheets after the seminar.
Oh well.