Day 2 Chicago set up

William Hunter next to my crate, on the phone.

A lot of excitement at the Merchandise Mart with large scale installations of sculpture going on. On the 8 th floor where my show was going to be, it seemed like a mass of ordered confusion, people rushing around, deliveries being made, and me trying to wind my around this labyrinth of stalls. I registered and then proceeded to my booth. Security was tight so i couldn't go to my booth without my name badge. My large crate was waiting patiently for me to unpack it which didn't turn out to be so difficult after a kindly neighbor saw me struggling with a phillips screwdriver and offered his lovely power tool to help with the unpacking. The paintings were neatly and securely packed so again, a plug for Craters and Shippers who did a great job from beginning to the end. With the help of my friend, William Hunter who is also showing his work, the walls were organized and now the final tasks will be to hang them properly on the wall, put labels on the wall, organize my binder of info, get my press pack to the press office and then have a proper look at the other work. What i've seen, which is about 5 % of the work, it looks impressive.


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