I am debating whether i want to spend the $50 a year for a subscription to Modern Painters. I love reading it especially the Diary column by Matthew Collins. He is an art critic whom i seem to understand and therefore i already like him for just that reason. I don't think he dumbs anything down but since i understand him.....hmmm..... anyway, there is a picture of him at this link http://www.newmediastudies.com/art/collings.htm and he's got some crazy sideburns! He reminds me of Jemaine from "The Flight of the Conchords".
I did just plunk down some cash for my very first laptop computer so what's another $50?
I joined www.paperspine.com, a book rental service much like the netflix model. I was interested in their reference and non-fiction titles. My first art book "50 Artists You Should Know" arrived today except, because of its large size, the return mailers aren't big enough for it. I emailed paperspine and 10 minutes later, they responded that they would be sending me larger mailers. How's that for service?!


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