Dance Collaborations and The Concept series
It was a wonderful weekend of dance. On Saturday I went to see the result of the collaboration between Printz Dance Project (contemporary modern) and Siamsa Tire (traditional Irish folk dancing - think Riverdance without the cornball). It was a cross cultural, cross dance styles, cross processes collaobration that tested the dancers in creating a piece in one week's time. The audience, a particularly astute bunch made great insiteful comments - one person said that it was great how each group performed their signature pieces first so that the audience could understand the distinct choreographies. The culminating final collaborative piece, while still a work in progress, was joyful, playful and amazing. It was amazing that each group of dancers performed outside of their comfort zone and it looked like it was an enriching experience for both groups. Which is what i am trying to achieve with the group of artists i get together with every 6 weeks or so. The purpose of the group was to provide a safe but stimulating place to show work but also to bring an element of play. Working alone on a project as i do can be stifling - i need to wrap my head around a different challenge and get a different perspective on problem solving. I was hoping for a possible collaboration between the artists but that hasn't happened yet. It is still early, we've only been meeting since April so the group is till getting comfortable with each other.
I wanted to also mention that the performance took place in a great space called The Garage - very low key but professional.
Next up, a Sunday performance at James Howell Studio, a beautiful space to highlight dance. RAWdance performed a few pieces as part of the Concept Series they organized which also featured the work of Hope Mohr Dance, Nol Simonse, Project Agora and Vispo Dance. I can't think of a better way to spend an evening - walking from my house through the Castro to watch incredible dancers, eating popcorn and brownies that was provided by the dancers (whoops, i forgot to leave a donation!) and walking home and looking at some spectacularly tacky Christmas decorations!