Asian Art Musuem residencies, submissions, info

Thursday morning - Asian Art Museum to see "Stylized Sculpture -Contemporary Japanese Fashion from the Kyoto Costume Institute " with a friend. What some of the clothes lacked in practicality made up for it in their amazing silhouettes. One had to marvel at the construction of the garments and unusual use of fabric. Anyway, who says fashion has to be practical...look at the popularity of Manohlos and Jimmy Choos!
I forgot how good the food is in the cafeteria - Asian inspired menu and pretty tasty.

If you enjoy reading about other art blogs, check out the listing of bloggers from a blogger in Pittsburg, PA.

I found a useful site called Artist Trust containing information to specifically help Washington State artists but contains information we can all use: and click on professional development for articles on writing a resume, building a website, business licences and more.

Anyone interested in a artist residency in Beijing?

Or one at the Herbert Hoover National Park?

Calls for submission
How about making a light installation?
The 11th Subtle Technologies Festival investigates light as our theme. Studied as long as recorded history, light continues to inspire and mystify us. Either visible or invisible, a particle or a wave, as nourishment, heat, and energy, molecules to complex organisms respond to and are affected by light. The speed of light defines our physics. It has held great spiritual significance for many cultures.
We invite submissions that focus on light as a tool, subject of inquiry, and source of inspiration for disciplines related to both the arts and sciences, including the visual, performance, moving image arts; architecture and design; the engineering and natural sciences; and historians, anthropologists, cultural theorists.

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS PIVOT: An Interdisciplinary Graduate Journal of Visual CultureSecond Issue: BUILD DEADLINE: Friday January 18, 2008
For our second issue, Pivot invites you to explore BUILD.
We are constantly building - we build up, we build in, we build out. We build objects, communities, revolutions, relationships, movements, networks and theories. We build ourselves. With the theme of BUILD, this edition of Pivot will explore and critique how and why we build.

The 2008 Olympics Artiade
The works should present aspects of life in the countries from which the artist comes (emotions traditions, events of importance etc.).


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