business of art

I came upon a website that was about a new way of doing business and as a painter trying to make it, i am in fact in the business of selling and marketing, as distasteful as that may seem to some. It was corny but some intersting things he proposes:

1. Shut off your own “preconceived notions” and limiting beliefs
2. Imagine what it’s like to be a customer who wants to buy
3. Feel the emotions that this customer is feeling
4. Design your marketing to appeal to these irrational emotions

He is trying to sell his DVDs and hence there's alot to read but it's given me something to think about. Who is buying my paintings? Probably 90% are people i know well. So are they buying the work because they want to help me and sort of like the work or do they really like the work? I know people tend to buy from either people they know or get to know through talking about the work. People also like to hear a story about the work. So, i guess that means i need to know more people!


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