Sidetracked by Chronic Illness Part Three - Final

Please refer to the previous two posts for the background on my chronic illness saga.
Warning:  some unpleasant images in this post.

Two weeks prior to the LED treatment, I refrained from using any soap, shampoo, or toothpaste with "sulf....".
Laser Energetic Detoxification (LED) : two treatments
There was a whole page of guidelines regarding preparations for LED  including not wearing metal jewelry, an underwire bra, battery operated watch, metal belt buckle or metal zipper during treatment and 25 hours after.  No electronics (cell phones, computers, microwaves, electrical appliances, irons, hair dryers, electric shavers, GPS, and a bunch of other items 2 hours before and 25 hours after treatment.  No mint toothpaste, caffeine, xrays including airport security.
Chuck from "Better Call Saul"
protecting himself from ElectroMagnetic radiation

The treatment itself took a few minutes and my body was exposed to the light from this flashlight/wand, from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet, front and back.  I was instructed to take a variety of detox homeopathic treatments and drink lots of water.  Lots, as in 4 quarts within the 25  hour detox period.  It didn't sound like much but when I measured it out, it was a lot.  And difficult to drink that much water especially during my 4 hour class which was within the 25 hour period.  So, I didn't and I think that's why I didn't feel very good after the treatment.  The toxins leave the body mainly through urinating, defecation, and through the skin so I wasn't giving the toxins a way out.  I was extremely sleepy right after the treatment which made driving home (50 minute drive) somewhat difficult.  My nose was very runny,  had a cough and I felt fatigued.  Then all cleared up and I continued with the regimen he prescribed.

The next LED went pretty much the same way but this time, I made sure I drank the requisite 4 quarts and that helped enormously.  Again, I felt very sleepy right after,  had a runny nose and felt fatigued.  The regimen changed and he added oral EDTA and DMSA captomer to be taken every 3 days along with other detox homeopathic treatments.  It became complicated enough that I got a calendar to mark my treatments to make sure I didn't forget anything.

During all this time, I still had pain - so I upped my dosage of this homeopathic tablet called T-Relief and it provided me with some relief along with the turmeric.  I bought an extra bottle of T-Relief because the pain was becoming unbearable.

However, there was one very significant development....I no longer felt fatigued, depressed, or brain fogged.  The quality of my sleep improved.
I felt like I was back in control of my life.

I continued with the every 3 day protocol of detoxing and would see Dr. Miller again in about a month to discuss what the next step would be.

At the end of April 2017, Dr. Miller started me on LDM-100, an enhanced herbal tincture of Lomatium dissectum a plant native to the Pacific Northwest.  I was warned that the herb may cause a rash as part of the detox reaction.  It starts on the abdomen area and usually doesn't affect the face.   There is specific dosing, increasing every day until the rash (if it develops) appears.  I started dosing on April 26th and on the morning of May 3rd, I noticed a rash developing on my neck.  I felt well enough to take a dance class that  morning but then things got serious.  The rash began to spread and I started to feel awful enough to go to bed.
And the rash spread. got darker and I felt quite unwell.  I slept and slept and felt worse and worse.  It was all over my face, neck, arms, legs, abdomen, back,  and palms of my hands.   I felt miserable and was concerned so I phoned Dr. Miller.  He told me to drink as much water as possible, take burbur every hour if necessary, and wait it out.  The toxins were coming out through my skin and I guess I had a lot.
The specific toxins as I understand it are viruses and viral particles leftover from vaccinations.
Note: here come the unpleasant images.

 My face got swollen in addition to the hideous rash.
Things got much worse but I was too sick to take a picture.  Also too vain.
The rash on my abdomen.

And as the rash progressed, it got darker as seen on my leg.
Six days later, I started to feel better although the rash was still on my leg.  The rash on my face and neck was clearing up followed by the rash on my torso.
During the worst part of this, I succumbed to taking ibuprofen and an antihistamine so I could sleep.

About one week after the rash appeared I noticed that I stopped taking T-Relief.  In fact, the pain had greatly diminished.  I hesitate saying that because it seemed too good to be true.  I have my energy back and decreased pain.  I sleep well and can concentrate.  In truth, I felt amazing.  And then after about 2 weeks, the pain returned and I was so disappointed that maybe the treatment was temporary.  However, since my body still looked mottled and I was still going through the process of detox, I thought perhaps I needed to drink more water.  And with that, I felt amazing again!  The power of drinking water during detox will never be underestimated again.   I will continue to be gluten-free.   I continue to take the homeopathic detox tinctures.  I will be seeing Dr. Miller in a month's time and   I will post an update if anything new develops, bad or good.

I wanted to post my experiences as an alternative to the way Western medicine treats chronic diseases.  The idea of taking prednisone for 6 months or antidepressants, Lyrica, or other pharmaceuticals that treat the symptoms and not the cause was going to be my last resort.  And if this didn't work, that would've been my next step.  I will be redoing my blood work to see how the numbers compare to the ones from earlier this year.  I am hoping those inflammation numbers are within the normal range.

I want to mention why I didn't want to take ibuprofen for the pain.  First of all, it didn't really help that much and T-Relief seemed to be doing a good job.  But most importantly, when I fractured my foot a few years ago, I was taking the maximum dose of ibuprofen every day.  When I went for a hair trim, my hair stylist wondered what was wrong with my hair.  The ends looked like they were singed from a fire.  She asked me if I was taking ibuprofen.  So, I stopped taking it, my hair looked healthy again and I wondered if my hair looked like that, what did my internals look like?

About being gluten-free (I am now one of "those" people) - It's not too bad mainly because I am mostly a rice eater.  But when I have a craving for bread, there are a lot of choices out there.  My
favorite is Trader Joe's gluten free wheat bread (I've tried at least 8 different gluten-free breads).  I buy a couple of loaves and store them in the freezer.  However, all gluten-free breads have to be toasted before eating.  Toasting makes the bread palatable.  I do mourn the fact that the readily available Tartine, Josey Baker, le Pain breads are no longer part of my diet.  However, pain is an excellent motivator.


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